
The history of soil stabilization techniques unveils a narrative dominated by a pursuit of immediate development gains, often at the expense of environmental considerations. In its nascent stages, conventional methods employing lime, cement, and similar agents were championed for their efficacy in achieving structural objectives, relegating environmental concerns to the periphery. Over time, the continued reliance on these methods led to an eye seeing escalation in environmental impacts, painting a sombre picture of unintended consequences. As years passed, the unrelenting use of these conventional techniques intensified the environmental toll, demanding a critical re-evaluation of the status quo. However, the allure of rapid achievement continued to overshadow the imperative for sustainable alternatives. The environment bore the brunt of this persistent inertia, as degradation became more pronounced. In the wake of technological advancements, a promising model shift has emerged in the realm of soil stabilization. The focus now lies in forging pathways that balance the imperatives of development with the imperative of safeguarding our fragile ecosystems. Central to this evolution are the advent and refinement of sustainable techniques, including the utilization of biopolymers, geo-polymers, bio-cementation, and natural fibres. These innovations signify a departure from the environmentally taxing conventional agents, promising a more harmonious coexistence with nature. This paper summarizes the trans-formative journey of soil stabilization techniques, predicting a shift towards a more sustainable and environmentally considerate approach. Through the adoption of these nature-friendly methodologies, we embark on a trajectory where development and environmental preservation are no longer dissimilar goals, but rather easily intertwined work. Keywords: Soil stabilization; Environmental considerations, Geopolymers, Biopolymers.

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