
In the dynamic landscape of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or the liver cancer research, pseudogenes have emerged from the shadows of genetic obscurity to become central figures, significantly influencing the disease molecular development and clinical trajectory. This review explores a transformative shift in perspective, recognizing pseudogenes not as genetic remnants without function, but as critical regulators in the molecular underpinnings of HCC. Engaging in complex interactions such as microRNA sponging, gene expression modulation, and signaling pathway disruptions, pseudogenes orchestrate a part of the molecular complexity driving tumor genesis, progression, and drug resistance in the liver cancer. Their unique expression patterns in hepatoma tissues herald new opportunities for early HCC detection, offering insights into patient prognosis, and identifying novel targets for therapeutic intervention of this disease. Such advancements underscore the importance of pseudogenes in enriching our understanding and management of HCC, paving the way for more effective diagnostic strategies and targeted therapies in the ongoing battle against this challenging malignancy.

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