
Against the background of global technological changes and structural restructuring of the world economy, the creation of new models of economic development, characterized by high growth rates and a share of intellectual capital, comes to the fore. The nature of the causal relationship should be interpreted as follows: this global trend determines the paradigm of the economy, and the paradigm of the economy — the nature, features of the era, social paradigm, the nature of the post-industrial era. It is the paradigm of economics that is the criterion for determining the nature of the historical epoch and the corresponding social paradigm. It is justified to introduce into scientific practice the principle of similarity, conformity of paradigms. On its basis, in particular, it can be argued that the paradigm shift of the economy leads to a change in the social paradigm, the social nature of the era. Moreover, the social paradigm must be adequate to the paradigm of the economy. In addition, it causes a change in the previous paradigms of all levels in their hierarchy. It is worth noting that the paradigm of the economy of pre-industrial society corresponds to the general and higher in the hierarchy paradigm "Man — a child of nature." In the pre-industrial era, natural agricultural production prevailed, man could not survive without involvement in the agricultural process. Man as a link in the biological cycle of nature was forced to adapt and compare their actions with the biological rhythm of agricultural production. In the traditional view, it is expedient to distinguish three system-historical types of industrial economic growth: early industrial, mature industrial and late industrial. If the representatives of early industrial growth in organizational and institutional terms were mainly firms that were in individual private ownership or in the form of partnership, then mature industrial growth is based on corporate private ownership in the form of joint stock companies, where capital-ownership and capital-function are largely separated. From the context of research, it can be argued that the cost will increasingly be determined not by production costs but by research costs. That is why the modern paradigm of economics is in fact a new formulation of the basic law of economics — the law of value: the cost will be equal to the cost of research, in particular post-industrial society — a research society. It is characterized by an unprecedented shift of emphasis from production to research and the peculiarities of the transformation of the new economy from "homo economicus" to "homo corporativus".


  • На тлі глобальних технологічних зрушень і структурної перебудови світової економіки на перший план висувається створення нових моделей економічного розвитку, що відрізняються високими темпами зростання та часткою інтелектуального капіталу

  • This is due to the fact Based on the analysis, we propose the following that, taking a new place in the production process, system of correlation of these categories: the basic intellectual workers can no longer be guided by traditional concept is the theory of post industrial society; all methods

  • In the 1930s, the The concept of post industrial economy is primarily a conventional neoclassical concept of economic man was theoretical model, the purpose of which was to predict subject to different kinds of criticism

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That is why the modern paradigm of economics is a new formulation of the basic law of economics — the law of value: the cost will be equal to the cost of research, in particular post industrial society — a research society. It is characterized by an unprecedented shift of emphasis from production to research and the peculiarities of the transformation of the new economy from "homo economicus" to "homo corporativus". Що парадигмі економіки доіндустріального суспільства відповідає загальна і вища в ієрархії парадигма "Людина — дитина природи".

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