
At the turn of the centuries, Cote d’Ivoire experienced a very difficult economic crisis and a civil war, which determined its development for the future decades. Social institutions of this state have been little studied in scientific literature abroad and in Russia but its education is definitely worth studying. However, education is an institution which reflects complexities of internal transformations in the country, and this social ontogenesis in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire is determined by specifics of the colonial past, demography, economic structure and political events. What are development trends of the Ivorian educational system, what problems does it solve and what tasks does it pursue at present, since 2010? By studying official materials of educational departments, the regulatory framework, national statistics, opinions of Ivorian and foreign researchers, taking into account knowledge about the cultural and historical foundations of the state, the article highlights some problem areas of education since the beginning of the 2010s, their reflection in educational policy and the current state of Cote d’Ivoire’s school.

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