
The unstoppable popularity of the Internet and social media remains an undeniable fact. Popular social networks are available in many languages, they provide a wide range of communication and blur the boundaries of where a person can find and access news. The Internet environment and social networks have become the mainstream in today's realities. The present is making adjustments to all spheres of human activity, and there is a fast transformation and modification of society's informatization. The pandemic and the war have changed the way we communicate and deliver the necessary information. Social media is usually considered to be an entertainment platform, but it is worth mentioning that social media has also become a developmental and educational platform where you can find all the necessary information and find out the necessary news. The use of social media on the Internet has changed consumers' preferences and ways of finding information, as well as the speed of waiting and finding the necessary information, which significantly affects the work of journalists and the publication of news on social media.
 Recognizing that print media and news in newspapers are losing their popularity, and given the circumstances that have occurred and are occurring in the world and in Ukraine, it is easy to realize the relevance of the transition of all news to social networks. The article analyzes the changes that are taking place on the journalistic front in terms of publishing information and news. Under the influence of globalization and digitalization, the media have to transition and modify their activities and areas of work. With the changes in society, social media have become the main source of information for people, which has led to changes in journalistic activities and changes in the wishes and habits of the audience. The article also discusses the positive aspects and challenges that journalists and readers who consume information and news from social media and the Internet space may face, as it is necessary to be more attentive and critical of the information they read. 
 In the conclusion, all the information and the main idea from the article are emphasized and summarized. The positive aspects and challenges those users of news from social media and the Internet may face are described and analyzed.

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