
Dynamic transformation of the knowledge economy, enhanced by Industry 4.0/5.0 development and rise of the networked society in the Digital Age, emergency digitization of all social communicative spheres due to pandemic measures have imposed dramatic changes onto transdisciplinary overlap in different areas of human knowledge and experience, induced by the cross-sectorial job market demands of university level education, curriculum design and learning outcomes. The Covid-19 pandemic induced amplified digitalization measures in the higher education sphere. This end-to end digital shift in the educational processes (communication, content, outcomes and outputs, skills) heralded the introduction of meta-disciplinary dimensions of learning – digital, hybrid and, blended. These meta-disciplinary dimensions can be considered conduits of vertical (endocentric) and horizontal (exocentric) transdisciplinary of digital education as a communicative system. Applied trans-disciplinary lens contributes to the solution of holistic modeling of processes and results of updating models and mechanisms of the highly dynamic communication system of education in the digital environment as a whole and its individual formats in the emergency digitization measures of different types.

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