
Despite the knowledge that protein translation and various metabolic reactions that create and sustain cellular life occur in the cytoplasm, the structural organization within the cytoplasm remains unclear. Recent models indicate that cytoplasm contains viscous fluid and elastic solid phases. We separated these viscous fluid and solid elastic compartments, which we call the cytosol and cytomatrix, respectively. The distinctive composition of the cytomatrix included structural proteins, ribosomes, and metabolome enzymes. High-throughput analysis revealed unique biosynthetic pathways within the cytomatrix. Enrichment of biosynthetic pathways in the cytomatrix indicated the presence of immobilized biocatalysis. Enzymatic immobilization and segregation can surmount spatial impediments, and the local pathway segregation may form cytoplasmic organelles. Protein translation was reprogrammed within the cytomatrix under the restriction of protein synthesis by drug treatment. The cytosol and cytomatrix are an elaborately interconnected network that promotes operational flexibility in healthy cells and the survival of malignant cells.

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