
Qinchuan cattle is one of the five yellow cattle breeds in China with good performance of meat. The proliferation and differentiation level of muscle and fat are closely related to the growth and development of the organism and are the key factors affecting the quality of meat. In order to study the effect of lncRNA on the fat tissues of Qinchuan cattle, six calf and adult bovine adipose tissues were selected for high-throughput sequencing. We obtained 3,716 lncRNA candidates from calves and adult cattle fat samples, among them 789 lncRNA were annotated and 2,927 lncRNA were novel lncRNA. A number of lncRNAs were highly abundant, and 119 lncRNA were differentially expressed between two developmental stages. We further validated several differentially expressed lncRNAs using qPCR, and the results were consistent with the sequencing data. Therefore, we conclude that lncRNA may play an important role in adipose tissue in different age groups of cattle.

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