
From mammals to fish, gametogenesis and sexual maturation are driven by LH and FSH, the two gonadotropic hormones temporally secreted from the pituitary. Teleost fish are an excellent model for addressing the unique regulation and function of each gonadotropin hormone since, unlike mammals; they synthesize and secrete LH and FSH from distinct cells. By performing cell specific transcriptome analysis of double-labelled transgenic Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) expressing GFP and RFP in LH or FSH cells, respectively, we identified genes specifically enriched in each cell type. Though GnRH is considered the main neuropeptide regulating LH and FSH, we found that each LH and FSH cell express unique GPCR signature that reveals the direct regulation of additional metabolic and homeostatic hormones (like cholecystokinin, somatostatin and glutamate). Moreover, some of those GPCRs were conserved also in gonadotrophs of mammals (like PACAP receptor, Adropin receptor and GABBA receptor). Next, we had exploited the unique behavior of Nile tilapia where a behavioral hierarchy is created between males, to compare the gene expression in the pituitary and brain of dominant (reproducing) males to a subordinate (non-reproducing) males. By combining the two transcriptome sets we had identified novel players in the hypothalamic regulation of the HPG axis, and revealed how brain aromatase (cyp19a1b), that is enriched specifically in LH cells, is the key factor in regulating the activity of LH and FSH cells in dominant reproducing fish. Thereby, unraveling novel mechanisms in the differential regulation of LH and FSH. The research was funded by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) no. 1540/17.

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