
Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is one of the most widely cultivated ornamental fish in global trade. However, transcriptomic data, which can reveal valuable genetic data for disease control and prevention, are extremely limited for this species. In this study, whole-body transcriptome sequencing of juvenile betta fish generated 4.457 GB of clean data and a total of 71,775 unigenes using the Illumina HiSeq4000 platform. These unigenes were functionally classified using 7 functional databases, yielding 45,316 NR (63.14%), 47,287 NT (65.88%), 39,105 Swiss-Prot (54.48%), 16,492 COG (22.98%), 37,694 KEGG (52.52%), 4,506 GO (6.28%), and 35,374 Interpro (49.28%) annotated unigenes. Furthermore, we also detected 13,834 SSRs distributed on 10,636 unigenes and 49,589 predicted CDSs. Based on KEGG analysis, five innate immune pathways (997 unigenes) were reported, including the NOD-like receptor signaling pathway, complement and coagulation cascades, toll-like receptor signaling pathway, RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway and cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway. Moreover, four antimicrobial peptide (AMP) families (hepcidin, piscidin, LEAP-2, and defensins) from the betta fish transcriptome were also identified. Additionally, cDNA and genomic DNA of two β-defensins was successfully isolated from four betta fish species. RT-PCR analysis showed that BsBD1 transcripts were most abundant in the muscle and kidney and BsBD2 transcripts were most abundant in the gill. The genomic organization showed that the BD1 and BD2 genes consisted of three exons and two introns according to the GT-AG rule. Most importantly, this is the first report of the betta fish whole-body transcriptome obtained by high-throughput sequencing. Our transcriptomic data and the discovery of betta fish AMPs should promote a better understanding of molecular immunology for disease prevention for further ornamental fish aquaculture.

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