
A wide and homogenous viticultural area traverses the border between Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) and the western part of Slovenia. Despite similar agricultural, climatic and geographical conditions on each side of the border, the management of agricultural activities and, in particular, the organization of phytosanitary campaigns is carried out separately and differently between the two countries incurring a waste of money, time and energy. The project P. Rada (EU Interreg IIIA Italy Slovenia 2000–06) was set up with the aim of establishing a common expert agrometeorological system to evaluate the development of Plasmopara viticola on a territorial scale. The required agrometeorological data are collected by a network of weather stations and spatially interpolated in a grid with a resolution of 500 × 500 m. The spatial dataset obtained is integrated with rainfall images processed by a polarimetric radar located in Fossalon di Grado (Gorizia, Italy). Once the territorial dataset has been completed, data are used to feed two agrometeorological models: SWEB, for the estimation of leaf wetness, and PLASMO for the simulation of grapevine downy mildew. The main output of the system is represented by meteorological (temperature, rainfall, leaf wetness) and epidemiological (total and current number of infections, days for the outbreak of the current infection) maps capable of supplying end users with detailed information useful for planning and management of grapevine protection activity.

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