
Digital platforms are the foundation of a digital, platform-based economy. The most important aspect of the use of digital platforms in this case are the established norms and rules of interaction of economic agents with digital platforms. The purpose of this study is to develop a transactional configurator of interaction between stakeholders of the ecosystem of an applied digital platform. The author's hypothesis of this study is the need to optimize the transaction costs of using the institutions of interaction of these stakeholders. To achieve this goal, a review of previous studies on the interaction of digital platform stakeholders was conducted and the problem of describing the institutional support of transactional interactions of elements of the ecosystem of the applied digital platform was formulated. The differentiation of the institutions of the digital platform ecosystem for various stakeholders has been developed, with the allocation of external and internal, formal, and informal, extractive, and inclusive economic institutions. The dependence of the dominant elements of the institutional support of the digital platform ecosystem on the role of stakeholders in ecosystem interactions is shown. A transactional configurator of interaction between stakeholders of the ecosystem of the applied digital platform is proposed. The configuration of the institutional support of the digital platform ecosystem is formed on the basis of an equilibrium between the costs of creating economic institutions and saving transaction costs on the formed landscape of established norms and rules. The scientific novelty of the obtained result consists in the allocation of a mechanism for configuring norms and rules of interaction of elements of the ecosystem of the applied digital platform, complementing the theoretical foundations of economic relations in the conditions of the formation of a digital society.

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