
A retrospective analysis of the scientific literature was carried out in order to identify the essence of the concept of “training”, the author’s interpretation of this definition is presented. The relevance of using training technologies in the educational process of freelance as an effective tool for optimizing the motivation of future doctors of philosophy in research activities and identifies features of the introduction of basic forms of work during training in the preparation of future doctors in graduate school for professional and personal growth. The essence and content of training as a learning technology aimed at the development of professional and personal qualities, the formation of research competence and increase the level of motivation to perform this activity. An attempt is made to systematize the basic principles of training sessions, based on the positions of andragogy as a fundamental element of the mechanism of using training technology. The article actualizes the role of training technologies, considers their functions, advantages and ways of implementation. The problem field of research in the perspective of the research topic is the lack of a unified conceptual apparatus, unity in understanding and practical application of principles, methods and techniques of training technologies in preparation, development of personal and professional resources and more. It was stated that properly organized training in terms of methodological and functional aspects will help ensure a number of professional and personal changes. The possibility of motivation formation and goal setting development in the process of research activity, formation of its positive dynamics in the conditions of training work is substantiated. It is proved that the developed ability to set goals and the presence of motivation contributes to a clear vision of the prospects and opportunities for personal and professional self-realization of future doctors of philosophy.

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