
Relevance. The article is devoted to the problem of training of the future physics teachers for implementation of the tasks of physical and environmental education in Kazakhstan. The training of teachers in related subjects for integrated learning has become the main difference between the updated content of education, which has been introduced into the general education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2016.Purpose. The purpose of the study is to theoretically characterize the training of future physics teachers for implementation of the tasks of physical and environmental education.Methodology. In the course of the study, a set of methods has been used, including the following groups: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, deduction, induction), specific scientific (modeling method, system analysis, structural-logical analysis); empirical (interviews with lecturers and teachers). In the process of training of a physics teacher for implementation of the tasks of physical and environmental education, it is necessary to constantly monitor the issues of how the future physics teacher owns the actual material, how he uses modern innovative teaching technologies.Results. It has been revealed that the specialist�s scientific style of thinking focuses on the realization of his objective need to master the culture of using the physical-ecological approach as the main adequate method used in the real educational activities. It has been determined that the lecture-laboratory form is the most common form in training of the future physics teachers.Conclusions. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the main provisions of the study can be used by scientists in further searches regarding the improvement of foundations for training of the future physics teachers to implement the tasks of physical and environmental education and to develop the teaching aids and methodological recommendations.

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