
The authors aimed to reveal the role of historians of Samara (Kuibyshev) University in the training of highly qualified scientists in the field of historical sciences (candidates and doctors of historical sciences) for higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the Samara Region. The formation of a system of training highly qualified scientists at Samara university is traced in the context of large-scale changes in Russian historical science, which affected the choice of subjects and methodology of theses, as well as the establishing of international scientific relations. The study is based on the materials from reports on the activities of Samara State University, reference and anniversary editions, as well as on ego-sources, i.e., on memoirs and interviews with university professors. The authors examine the formation of the teaching staff of historical departments, highlight the key stages in the development of postgraduate school and doctorate at the university, the creation and reprofiling of the dissertation council on history. The article contains the data on the dynamics of defenses of the candidate and doctoral theses in history at the Dissertation Council of Samara (Kuibyshev) University. The authors identify the main areas of training of scientists, characterize the scientific schools that were formed at the historical faculty of Samara University and have received recognition from the Russian scientific community. Based on the study, the authors identify the most important stages in the training of highly qualified scientists and the main generations of historians at Samara (Kuibyshev) University from the 1970-ies to the present.

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