
The article analyzes the focus of modern pedagogical education on the development of a professional teacher capable of updating personal and creative potential. The author uses the following methods: analysis and synthesis of thematic scientific information, results of research by specialists in the area under consideration; synthesis and systematization of facts and provisions; pedagogical observation. Also, it substantiates the main conditions for the professional formation of a graduate student-future teacher: the development of professional self-consciousness, the formation of frustration tolerance, communicative competence, the need to develop personal and professional competencies. Experience of introduction of practical-oriented system of training aimed at formation of pedagogical orientation, development of professional pedagogical thinking, social-perceptual and communicative skills of graduate students-future teachers is presented. The article proves the need for a value and meaning orientation of professional training in psychological and pedagogical education, which leads to semantic search and semantic construction in pedagogical activity. Training forms and methods that conducive to the development of personal and professional competencies are described: pedagogical studio, art-therapeutic workshop, communication training; conflict method, analysis of pedagogical situations, analysis of artistic and pedagogical works, mastering of partnership interaction techniques. Awareness of a postgraduate student a future teacher of his potential, prospects for personal and professional growth encourages him to constantly experiment in the course of his professional activity, search, creativity and choice. The sooner the directed personal and professional development of the teacher begins, the more it is possible to predict his psychological well-being and personal growth

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