
Training education students of pedagogical universities how to organize civic-patriotic education in secondary schools is a relevant problem due to the latest socio-economic changes and the following revision of the main positions of higher pedagogical education. Based on the conceptual and terminological analysis, we determined a terminological series of basic concepts of the studied problem, such as civic consciousness, patriotism, civic-patriotic education in secondary school, training of education students in civic and patriotic education for secondary school children. Based on the analysis of the author’s positions on the process of training education students in civic and patriotic education for secondary school children, the main characteristics of such training were highlighted. The article presents the author’s definition of the concept of ‘training education students in civic and patriotic education for secondary school children’ that is understood as a training system (theoretical, methodological, practical), the purpose of which is the formation of competence reflecting the maturity of corresponding competencies in students. Based on the theoretical conceptualization of the studied problem, a process model for training education students in civic and patriotic education for secondary school children was created. The model, reflecting the essence and dynamics of the process under study, consists of values-motivational, content-activity and reflexive-corrective stages. The values-motivational component determines the activity that ensures the adoption of pedagogical and universal values that guide the internal emotional orientation of the behavior and activities of the future teacher. The content-activity component reflects the peculiarities of the process of training education students in civic and patriotic education for secondary school children. The ability for critical self-analysis and awareness of one’s activity on the basis of reflection characterizes the reflexive-corrective component. The methodological analysis of the phenomenon under study made it possible to single out the methodological foundations, such as systemic, activity-based and axiological approaches.


  • we determined a terminological series of basic concepts of the studied problem

  • patriotic education for secondary school children' that is understood as a training system

  • the purpose of which is the formation of competence reflecting the maturity of corresponding competencies

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Ключевые слова: гражданственность; патриотизм, гражданско-патриотическое воспитание школьников; подготовка студентов педагогических вузов к организации гражданско-патриотического воспитания школьников. Россия, shkitinans@cspu.ru; Касаткина Наталья Степановна, ORCID: 0000-0003-4619-0463, канд. В современном обществе проблема формирования гражданских качеств у молодежи приобретает особо важное значение по нескольким причинам: возрастает уровень информированности молодого поколения, наблюдаются процессы демократизации и появление многопартийной системы, что создает определенные трудности в понимании молодым поколением сущности гражданственности, так как современная молодежь не прошла той школы гражданско-патриотического воспитания, которое выпало на долю старшего поколения.

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