
Background: In China, with chronic wound patients increasing by 10% per year and more than 1 million stoma patients, there is an increasing demand for wound ostomy continence care. Accordingly, specialized wound care in China is developing rapidly and the gap with developed countries is narrowing. PURPOSE: This paper aims to describe the status of training, practice, and management of wound nurses in China. METHODS: Data on the training and practice of wound specialist nurses in the Chinese Mainland were collected through literature review and hospital surveys. RESULTS: The training system of Chinese Wound, Ostomy & Continence (WOC) specialist nurses is developing rapidly, but lacks a unified access standard, curriculum, teaching materials, and assessment system. Specialist nurses play an important role in education, clinical practice, and scientific research, but home care and independent nursing practices are still in their infancy. CONCLUSION: The developing momentum of wound care in China is encouraging, but it is necessary to unify and standardize WOC nurses' qualification certification, scope of practice, level-to-level administration, and other aspects to cultivate higher-quality specialized wound nurses.

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