
Scientific Writing is a scientific work that is written by following scientific rules. Scientific rules as the main requirement in writing a work are intended so that the work produced can be scientifically accounted for. The purpose of scientific writing training activities is to foster interest, enthusiasm, and creative and innovative ideas from students of SMA Negeri 7 Palu to produce scientific work in accordance with writing rules. This activity was carried out in August 2023, at SMA Negeri 7 Palu, with 30 student participants. The material presented in this training, namely how to bring up creative and innovative ideas that often arise from the problems that surround us, and how to write a scientific paper in accordance with the rules of writing. The method of delivering the material was carried out by means of presentations from the speakers, and continued with discussions and practices in generating creative ideas. Based on the activities carried out at SMA N 7 Palu, it can be concluded that the training participants were able to come up with creative and innovative ideas related to handling problems around them. However, the lack of information regarding how to write in accordance with scientific principles makes participants reluctant to write. Therefore, in the future, it is hoped that there will be further training with the target of teachers so that later they will be able to guide and foster their students optimally in producing a scientific paper.

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