
The article is devoted to the problem of neurolinguosemiotic qualification of the language organization of trailers as autonomous components of film discourse. The author of this article draws the following conclusions: 1) the trailer belongs to the external components of film discourse, which is due to the presence of semantic and functional correlations with the concept of «advertising»; 2) between the concepts of «trailer text» and «advertising text» the relationship of the so-called approximate identity, because they have identical structural elements, primarily of a reference nature; 3) the text of the trailer is more complex compared to the advertising text, because the linguosemiotic structure of the first introduced a larger number of typological types of signs; 4) the linguosemiotic structure of the advertising text, in which there are dialogic and monologue signs, has the form of meaningfully and formally interconnected remarks of actors who can perform different roles (average consumers of goods / services, professionals, celebrities, etc.), with the final thesis announcer (rarely – titrated on the screen graphically); 5) the linguosemiotic structure of the trailer text is a combination of autonomous multifunctional monologue signs, nonlinearly related to each other by subject (signs of actor, expert, witness and announcer); 6) the vectors of influence of linguosemiotic units of advertising texts and trailer texts do not coincide, because in the former the metaprograms of centrifugal / centripetal motivation, activity, desired modality, comparison focus are actualized, and in the latter – metaprograms of time orientation, breakdown size, way of thinking.

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