
Mixed Traffic flow is an important component in consideration in present day Transport Planning in the current scenario and future of transport planning in India. As country is welcoming the accent of Advanced technology, an introduction of Autonomous vehicles, a need of study raised for the safe flow of traffic into the mixed condition. This paper aims to study the traffic condition of current times comparing with the previous traffic records, to establish the context of mixed use and the favourable condition or strategy to maintain a safe flow of traffic under mixed flow condition. Traffic meagre is studied to understand the mix of AT and NA, which is a major concern to be studied. Safety features are intended to prevent accidents and collisions by providing technologies that notify the driver to potential hazards, execute protections, and, if required, take control of the vehicle. These controls are to be implemented on both the Manual as well as Autos traffic. For an efficient usage of the same the major need arises for the implementation of Intelligent traffic management system through technologically advanced equipment such as sensors, camera and data management. Some determinants are identified to locate the major key issues that indicate towards the traffic safety and further analysis is done towards the implementation goals for through and merging traffic including both autos and non-autos

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