
People’s knowledge of awareness, attitudes and practices towards motor vehicle emissions that are dangerous and a requirement is paramount for reducing exposure among people, their impact and response of interventions that are aimed at encouraging behavioral change. This study evaluated the knowledge, awareness, attitude and practice on motor vehicle pollution among the traffic police officers in Nairobi city. The study was directed by the following the objectives: To appreciate the level of knowledge among the traffic police officers about and attitudes towards motor vehicle air pollution and associated health effects. The survey interviewed a purposive and non-random stratified sample of 127 police officers, according to their seniority, years of employment and work experience, from the target population of traffic police working in major road junctions within the CBD, Nairobi Kenya. The sampled junctions were Kamukunji, Railways terminal, University way and Uhuru Highway roundabouts. In addition, from the leadership rank, five (5) key informants were also interviewed. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Discussions were held with the key informers. The study found that majority 40.2% said that they had a good knowledge of the issue. 96.3% indicated they had Knowledge of the laws on traffic related pollution and traffic regulations training. 98.1% had attended a traffic management course. 76.6% indicated that they had usefulness of motor vehicle air pollution information. The study concludes that motor vehicle air pollution affects the day to day operation of the officers; especially those working in the traffic department.

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