
Clean air is important for human health and well-being, air pollution has increased in many parts worldwide and thus posing a significant threat people’s health. In Kenya, the traffic police officers who constantly un covered stand on road junctions continuously expose themselves to motor vehicle emissions, greatly risking their health. This study collected qualitative data and quantitative data analysed police person’s perceptions of the health impact of motor vehicle emissions on traffic police in Nairobi, Kenya. The respondents were sampled from among the traffic police officers who normally control traffic in Nairobi CBD. Pretested questionnaires were used to collect data. The study showed that police officers were aware of the effects that the motor vehicle air pollution could have on their health. About 98.1% of respondents indicated that they are affected by motor vehicle pollution. On average, about 30% of the police officers are off duty due to sickness while 82.2% had been greatly affected by exposure to motor vehicle pollution. 58.9% new cases of the health effects related to motor vehicle emission constant though majority did not take any measures. They obtained this knowledge and experience from their colleagues suffering from respiratory diseases; reporting frequent occurrence of health problems thought to arise acquaintance to motor vehicle emissions. The study accomplishes that there is an association between the amounts spent manning traffic and contact to high levels of pollution. The traffic officers have associated illnesses such as respiratory problems, asthma, cancer and other diseases that are pollution related to the high emissions of motor vehicle pollution in the Central business district.

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