
The initiation of this study was made with the objective of loading or assigning the flow of traffic in the base and target year (expressed as a matrix identifying the number of trips generated and distributed in the previous study from each Traffic analysis zone (TAZ) to every other within the study area) on a road network of Al-Amarah City. The traffic assignment process is usually implemented in two steps. The first step is constructing the network dataset of road network of Al-Amarah city for obtaining the optimal route between each node to all other nodes depending on two criteria; distance and time for evaluation the accessibility of all nodes in the road network. The second step uses stochastic user equilibrium and system optimum assignment models to assign the traffic distributed between all possible origins and destinations to the road network itself. The analysis is done using TransCAD software ver. 4.5 and Network Analysis/Arc GIS 10.3 for Al-Amarah City. Results showed that in the base year, The results of the stochastic user equilibrium assignment model there is no link in Al-Amarah network has v/c ratio between the range (0.81-1.00) and over which represent level of service equal to or more than D. The overall evaluation of Al-Amarah road network is level of service (LOS) equal to B and there is an improvement in the work of Al-Amarah road network by using the system optimum model. In the target year, the results of two assignment models are proximally similar. The black color (v/c >1.0) is appeared clearly in the assignment result map especially on the two main bridges in the city (Al-Yugoslavi Bridge and Al-Jumhuriah Bridge). When the red color (LOS E) is appeared in the links in near the centers of sectors (1,2, and 4). The most links ranges between (LOS D and LOS C) with v/c ratio Range (0.70-0.90).

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