
An important component of the world choreography are folk dance ensembles, the scientific understanding of development trends of which contributes to the formation of an idea of the current state of the choreographic sphere and comprehension of the future prospects of this art form. The study of the specifics of artistic processes in choreography becomes especially relevant today, which will exclude the possibility of levelling its special features, the uniqueness of the creation and development of the art of dancing in its individual areas. Ukrainian folk stage art of dancing, which is an integral part of the country's artistic culture, reached its peak in the second half of the XX century. In times of historical crisis, when national identity (traditions, culture, beliefs, language, and shared historical memory) was under threat of destruction. Traditional uniqueness manifested itself in various forms of the society, including an increase in interest in one's own spiritual treasures, such as folk choreographic art associated with folk traditions and customs. In modern conditions of social development, there is an urgent need to preserve the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, while the main goal of the scientific community in this direction is to recognize the uniqueness and originality of the spiritual heritage of each region and ethnic group of Ukraine. The purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the features of the interaction of traditions and innovations in choreographic art by comparing the trends of its development in the XX century, in particular, identifying the key methods for preserving folk traditions and the main means of applying innovations for the most effective development of this art form. In the course of writing the academic paper, a set of research methods has been used, in particular as follows: general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalization), specific scientific (historical-structural), as well as a questionnaire, which has been implemented using the Survio resource. Based on the results of the research, the theoretical fundamentals have been studied and the practical aspects of the features of the traditional and innovative components of the choreography of the XX century in Ukraine have been clarified.

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