
The article considers the issue of the integration of student youth into the European space. The purpose of the article. The choreographic art is actualized at the present stage of cultural creation. Assimilation of art and its integration into the European space is an important guarantee of the development and interaction of human civilization. The research methodology is based on the synthesis of general scientific methods and cultural-historical approaches. Therefore, the study, assimilation, protection from distortion, multiplication, and transmission to the next generation, therefore, the integration of the main achievements of art is an honorable and responsible matter. Interacting with modern requirements and needs of society, the art of dance affects social relations, economic system, political, ethnic, and national relations. Art makes adjustments to the spiritual composition of society, serves as a prerequisite for the stabilization of all aspects of social life, and thus provides the appropriate balance of historical and cultural formation. The scientific novelty of the research is in an attempt to trace the actualization of choreographic art at the present stage of cultural formation is substantiated. Choreographic art is analyzed as a means of integration into Eurospace. The growing interest of young people in the art of dance gives rise to a natural desire to maximize the reserves of plastic body language, demonstrating the interest of their own artistic worldview and acquired competencies in the educational space. Conclusions. Interacting with the contemporary demands and needs of society, the art of dance influences social relations, economic order, political, ethnic, and national relations. It is emphasized that choreographic art is a socially significant value and is a feeling-filled aesthetic reproduction of knowledge, skills, and competencies. Key words: choreography, art, integration, student youth, Eurospace.


  • Savchyn Lilia, Doctoral student of National Academy Culture and Arts Management, honored worker of arts of Ukraine, doctor of historical sciences, associate professor

  • Arts choreographical arts as means of integration of student to European space The article considers the issue of the integration of student youth into the European space

  • The choreographic art is actualized at the present stage of cultural creation

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Мета статті – обґрунтувати питання інтеграції студентської молоді до європростору засобами хореографічного мистецтва Актуалізовано мистецтво хореографії на сучасному етапі культуротворення. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає в спробі актуалізувати мистецтво хореографії на сучасному етапі культуротворення. Мистецтво хореографії є соціально значущою цінністю і представляє собою наповнене почуттями естетичне відтворення знань, умінь та компетентностей. The choreographic art is actualized at the present stage of cultural creation. Interacting with modern requirements and needs of society, the art of dance affects social relations, economic system, political, ethnic, and national relations. The scientific novelty of the research is in an attempt to trace the actualization of choreographic art at the present stage of cultural formation is substantiated. Interacting with the contemporary demands and needs of society, the art of dance influences social relations, economic order, political, ethnic, and national relations.

Культура і сучасність
Україна братиме за приклад австрійську
Уважне прочитання матеріалів
Фестиваль проводився під патронатом
Лестері Джо Бреслін під час її класів та лекції
Київського університету імені Бориса
Міжнародною співпрацею кафедрою хореографії РДГУ та кафедрою хореографії
Студенти та викладачі кафедри хореографії РДГУ були учасниками
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