
AbstractAn online course on Oscillation and Wave Physics (https://ocw.upc.edu/webs/42254/Acustica_EN/) was implemented. As the first objective, this article describes its main features, especially the two types of indexes for accessing the different items (a traditional linear index, and a hypertextual index based on a concept map). The second objective is to describe the students’ response to the one index in comparison to the other. As a qualitative response (perception), obtained from the students’ free comments, some advantages of the hypertextual index were found, for example, the ability to raise curiosity about physics contents, or the building of a convenient attitude for learning autonomously. Some drawbacks perceived, which are put into perspective, were the possible equivocal interpretation of the guiding questions, or the uncertainty about following the optimal order of items. As a quantitative response (performance in exams), a small but significant difference was found only for two subtopics related to cross‐linked relationships between different conceptual aspects. This can be explained by a deeper internalization of these relationships through the concept map underlying the hypertextual index.

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