
Dendrobium is a kind of medicine food homology plant. Dendrobium has long been used to strengthen "Yin" and tonify five viscera. This paper presents a systematic review of the folk usage, chemical composition and pharmacological activity of Dendrobium, aiming to provide a reference for subsequent in-depth understanding and better exploitation of health food, medicine, and natural products. Available information about the genus Dendrobium was collected via Web of Science, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, APA-Psy Articles, Google Scholar, Connected Papers, Springer Search, and KNCI. The keywords for this article are Dendrobium, traditional use, chemical diversity and pharmacological activity. Use the "Dictionary of Chinese Ethnic Medicine" to provide 23 kinds of Dendrobium with medicinal value, the Latin name of Dendrobium is verified by the Flora of China (www.iplant.cn), and its species distribution and related information are collected. There are 78 species of Dendrobium in China, 14 of which are endemic to China. At present, 450 compounds including sesquiterpenoids, lignans compounds, phenolic compounds, phenanthrene compounds, bibenzyls, polysaccharides and flavonoids have been isolated and identified from at least 50 species of Dendrobium. Among them, bibenzyls and polysaccharides are the main active components, phenolics and lignans are widely distributed, sesquiterpenes are the most common chemical constituents in genus Dendrobium plants. The most popular research objects are Dendrobium officinale and Dendrobium huoshanense. Based on traditional folk uses, chemical composition and pharmacological studies, Dendrobium is considered a promising medicinal and edible plant with multiple pharmacological activities. In addition, a large number of clinical applications and further studies on single chemical components based on the diversity of chemical structures should be conducted, which will lay the foundation for the scientific utilization of genus Dendrobium.

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