
Traditional medicine (TM) is a concept that resonates well with many inhabitants in developing countries such as Kenya owing to its social, economic and cultural significance. According to the World Health Organization, TM refers to the knowledge, skills, and practices which are based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures and used in the maintenance of health and the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental health. A lot has shaped the course of TM in Kenya from the days of old. However, the development and utility of TM remain low on account of the many challenges it faces. Problems related to regulation, low appreciation and acceptance and plummeting plant resources are some of the impediments to the development of TM. However, a healthcare system struggling to cope with demand, high costs and adverse effects of conventional therapy as well as drug resistance, have all served to give a lifeline to TM in Kenya. Moreover, there has been a steady increase in the number of scientific work that continues to validate therapeutic claims on medicinal plants made by TM practitioners in Kenya. However, if the enormous potential of TM in Kenya is to be fully realized, calculated steps must be taken in legislation, regulation, research, and collaboration in all matters on TM. It is noteworthy that information on the challenges and status of traditional medicine in Kenya is not available. This work, therefore, will look at the status of TM in Kenya in the context of the past and current challenges and will evaluate what needs to be done to ensure the sustainability and development of TM in Kenya.

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