
This research departed from the tradition of Indonesian culture that has been done by the communities because of the current globalization. Kaulinan Barudak Lembur is a traditional game performed by children in the countryside. Nowadays, children are starting to love the digital game compare d with traditional games. The Kaulinan Barudak Lembur has many values which is important to be internalized to children because good values should be habits from an early age. One of many way s can be developed through the introduction of traditional games. This study aims to describe the type and characteristics of traditional games in Eco Bambu Cultural , Art, and Sport Center and to describe the character values contained in traditional game Kaulinan Barudak Lembur for children learnig in the Eco Bambu Cipaku Cultural , Art, and Sport Center, West Java. This research used qualitative method by using ethno pedagogic al approach. Data in this research were collected by observation, documentation, interview, and recording. Technics of data analysis were collecting data, selecting data, interpreting data and taking conclusion. The results of this study were cultural literacy through the Kaulinan Barudak Lembur is able to develop the values ​​of character education, such as religious value, cooperation value , responsible value , honest y value , caring value , self-confidence value and curiosity value . It can be concluded that the Kaulinan Barudak Lembur is a traditional game that have to be preserved because it contains various values ​​of character education that can contribute in creating good character for children from an early age. Furthermore, the implications of this research are to make children have good character from early age and to make tutors know that so many values of character education in that traditional game so they can implement that game to internalize good values for children.

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