
The research in this paper leads to peace education in Poso. Local wisdom approach focus to achieve it. Local wisdom in question is a tradition of cultural in sintuwu maroso and padungku. Researchers considered that culture sintuwu maroso and padungku a primal's hospitality owned Poso then and now. The distinctive feature of this research center at the local wisdom area.
 That approach is not without reason. Social unrest conflicts that have occurred in Poso, leaving wounds that are difficult unresolved grudges. Seventeen years ago the conflict was going on, now remaining trauma and feels haunted. Yet the return of all refugees to their original place, not awakening back all the buildings or houses in the former debris destruction mass, separation is expressly settlements Islamic-Christian, social community is still limited, and military approach that is very dominant, not apart from monitoring the author. Watched it is balanced with the security situation, a conducive atmosphere andhospitality of the people of Poso today.
 Objectives achieved in this study were (1) to find out how the understanding and meaning of the Poso community’s hospitality (2) to find out ways of appreciation and practice of cultural sintuwu maroso and padungku as a form of tradition's hospitality in Poso and (3) to determine the role and the application of hospitality in traditions of cultural sintuwu maroso and padungku for peace education in addressing the conflict in Poso. The data collection process is conducted qualitatively. Interviews and observations is his method, followed by a description of the data. Analysis of data using analytical approachto Theology-CRE (Christian Religious Education). This approach was chosen because they are the research student of CRE. After conducting research and data analysis as a whole, the picture of hospitality in Poso this time will be presented in a straightforward and unequivocal. Likewise, appreciation and practice of cultural sintuwu maroso and padungku in everyday life. In the end, the author proposes an approach to education for peace in Poso, that is approach through cultural traditions in sintuwu maroso's hospitality and padungku
 Key words: Hospitality, Sintuwu Maroso, Padungku, Peace Education.


  • The return of all refugees to their original place, not awakening back all the buildings or houses in the former debris destruction mass, separation is expressly settlements Islamic-Christian, social community is still limited, and military approach that is very dominant, not apart from monitoring the author. Watched it is balanced with the security situation, a conducive atmosphere and hospitality of the people of Poso today

  • Objectives achieved in this study were (1) to find out how the understanding and meaning of the Poso community’s hospitality (2) to find out ways of appreciation and practice of cultural sintuwu maroso and padungku as a form of tradition's hospitality in Poso and (3) to determine the role and the application of hospitality in traditions of cultural sintuwu maroso and padungku for peace education in addressing the conflict in Poso

  • The author proposes an approach to education for peace in Poso, that is approach through cultural traditions in sintuwu maroso's hospitality and padungku

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Pengertian Hospitalitas

Kata „hospitality’ berasal dari kata Latin „hospes‟ yang berarti tamu.[7]. Kata „hospes‟ sendiri adalah gabungan dua kata Latin lain, “hostis” dan “pets”. Orang asing harus menikmati perlindungan hukum yang sama dengan tuan rumah/tuan tanah sebagai anak-anak negeri.[15] Di kemudian hari, hospitalitas diperluas maknanya dari menerima tamu menjadi kepada siapapun, termasuk orang miskin, orang-orang tersisih dan terabaikan, orang. Dalam memberitakan kerajaan Allah itu, Yesus berjumpa dengan kelompok-kelompok masyarakat Yahudi pada masa itu dan memberlakukan hospitalitas kepada siapa saja yang Ia jumpai. Dalam perumpamaan dan pengalaman Yesus itu, Allah memberikan totalitas hospitalitasNya kepada menusia dan juga menerima hospitalitas dari manusia.[28] b) Pergaulan-Nya Pola pergaulan Yesus dipenuhi dengan tindakan hospitalitas. Bentuk hospitalitas yang disampaikan oleh Paulus adalah memberikan ruang demi suatu relasi antar orang-orang Yahudi bukan Yahudi dalam sebuah sikap terbuka menerima yang membangun antar kedua kelompok tersebut sebagai manusia dan saudara di dalam Kristus. Jadi arti keseluruhannya adalah persatuan yang kuat (akan) membentuk/menciptakan kehidupan yang sejahtera dan sederajat.[34]

Tradisi Hospitalitas di Poso
Pengertian Pendidikan Perdamaian
Metode Pendidikan Perdamaian
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