
The article describes the reasons of participation of less developed countries in the world integration processes, initiated by developed and newly industrialized countries in conditions of intensification of geopolitical and geoeconomic risks in the modern world economy, possible directions of cooperation between them are determined. The assessment of mega-regionality of integration blocks, of their ability to carry out inter-block cooperation and economic integration is given. The state of trade and economic cooperation of the EAEU with integration associations (EU, ASEAN, APEC, SCO), mega-blocks (CETA, RCEP) and their participating countries for the period 2010-2017 is analyzed. On the basis of this features and tendencies of development of trade of the Eurasian Economic Union with the mentioned integration groups are distinguished, the potential benefits of the EAEU participation in the global and mega-regional integration processes initiated by the countries-leaders of integration agreements, as well as from trade and economic cooperation with them, and threats to the Union in general and to the participating countries is defined. The priority directions and algorithms of development of trade and economic cooperation of the EAEU with the considered integration blocks in the format «block – block» and «block – country» are noted, the basis of which is the determination of points of entry – countries and entry goods.

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