Based on the survey of 148 patients with an lumbar degenerative disease, there have been studied immediate and medium-term results of the comprehensive conservative treatment of the patients with and without application of traction exposure on the spine. It was found out that the traction of the spine leads to a quicker and more durable relief of symptoms in comparison with the control groups where traction therapy wasn't carried out. Application of the traction-extended therapy in three planes with a usage of robotized set for dry skeletal traction of a new generation KinetracKNX-7000 is proved to increase the effectiveness of treatment for the patients with stated pathology, fasten regress of the pain syndrome and clinical symptomatology, lead to more durable and lasting remission of the desease, in comparison with the patients that had traction of the spine in one plane only during the treatment.
Based on the survey of 148 patients with an lumbar degenerative disease, there have been studied immediate and mediumterm results of the comprehensive conservative treatment of the patients with and without application of traction exposure on the spine
Application of the traction-extended therapy in three planes with a usage of robotized set for dry skeletal traction of a new generation KinetracKNX-7000 is proved to increase the effectiveness of treatment for the patients with stated pathology, fasten regress of the pain syndrome and clinical symptomatology, lead to more durable and lasting remission of the desease, in comparison with the patients that had traction of the spine in one plane only during the treatment
Исходные клинико-неврологические сведения и данные инструментального обследования, полученные в нашем исследовании, вполне коррелируют с данными литературы [3, 4, 11]
ТРАКЦИОННО-ЭКСТЕНЗИОННАЯ ТЕРАПИЯ У ПАЦИЕНТОВ С ОСТЕОХОНДРОЗОМ ПОЯСНИЧНОГО ОТДЕЛА ПОЗВОНОЧНИКА. На основании обследования 148 пациентов с остеохондрозом поясничного отдела позвоночника изучены ближайшие и среднесрочные результаты их комплексного консервативного лечения без применения и с применением тракционного воздействия на позвоночник. Установлено, что тракция позвоночника приводит к более быстрому и стойкому купированию симптомов заболевания по сравнению с группами контроля, где тракционная терапия не проводилась. Application of the traction-extended therapy in three planes with a usage of robotized set for dry skeletal traction of a new generation KinetracKNX-7000 is proved to increase the effectiveness of treatment for the patients with stated pathology, fasten regress of the pain syndrome and clinical symptomatology, lead to more durable and lasting remission of the desease, in comparison with the patients that had traction of the spine in one plane only during the treatment. С развитием медицинских знаний и технологий усовершенствовались методы для осуществле-
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