
This paper discusses how advanced tracking and monitoring technologies can be used to increase safety for construction activities at airports. Airport construction is a significant infrastructure sector and in 2020 the Airport Improvement Program funded $300 million for airport projects in the United States. This includes funding for pavement reconstruction, airfield upgrades to meet current standards (e.g., wider runways), the construction of new terminal facilities, and additional capacity (e.g., new runways). The airfield environment presents special hazards for constructors, including proximity to active aircraft operations, and the requirement to comply with many additional rules such as those required by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Transportation Security Agency (TSA); many of these rules are required to ensure safety and security. Airport construction activities require close oversight, additional inspections by airport operations personnel, and stringent rules regarding access and operation in different areas of the airfield. Access and operating requirements affect both construction workers and construction equipment, and there are often different rules for different areas at the airport. One of the most restricted areas on an airport is the runway. Access to the runway and the safety area around a runway requires explicit permission from Air Traffic Control (ATC). If a vehicle or pedestrian (or aircraft) crosses the boundary without permission, it is considered a runway incursion. A runway incursion could cause a major incident at the airport and could result in injuries and fatalities. Runway incursion events are recorded by the FAA and represent a serious safety violation for the airport. Runway incursions and the technology to prevent incursions are discussed as an example that illustrates the need for and benefits of accurate monitoring of construction equipment and personnel. Technologies that may be used to enhance tracking and support situational awareness are present to illustrate the possible ways that enhanced monitoring can be used at an airport. Solutions may include the use of advanced technologies such as real-time vehicle location sensors, which may be combined with robust electronic maps to enhance safety for construction equipment and personnel location in the airfield environment. A discussion of opportunities and challenges of these systems is detailed.

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