The heterogeneity and anisotropy of fractured-rock aquifers, such as those in the Columbia River Basalt Province, present challenges for determining groundwater recharge. The entrance of recharge to the fractured-basalt and interbedded-sediment aquifer in the Palouse region of north-central Idaho is not well understood because of successive basalt flows that act as restrictive barriers. It was hypothesized that a primary recharge zone exists along the basin’s eastern margin at a mountain-front interface where eroded sediments form a more conductive zone for recharge. Potential source waters and groundwater were analyzed for δ18O and δ2H to discriminate recharge sources and pathways. Snowpack values ranged from −22 to −12‰ for δ18O and from −160 to −90‰ for δ2H and produced spring-time snowmelt ranging from −16.5 to −12‰ for δ18O and from −120 to −90‰ for δ2H. With the transition of snowmelt to spring-time ephemeral creeks, the isotope values compressed to −16 and −14‰ for δ18O and −110 and −105‰ for δ2H. A greater range of values was present for a perennial creek (−18 to −13.5‰ for δ18O and −125 to −98‰ for δ2H) and groundwater (−17.5 to −13‰ for δ18O and −132 to −105‰ for δ2H), which reflect a mixing of seasonal signals and the varying influence of vapor sources and sublimation/evaporation. Inverse modeling and the evaluation of matrix characteristics indicate conductive pathways associated with paleochannels and deeper pathways along the mountain-front interface. Depleted isotope signals indicate quicker infiltration and recharge pathways that were separate from, or had limited mixing with, more evaporated water that infiltrated after greater time/travel at the surface.
Estimating groundwater recharge is complicated by variations in climate, vegetation, geology, and a limited ability to physically identify recharge pathways, in fractured-rock aquifers [1,2]
The snow samples collected in March 2018 by Duckett et al [15] (−22 to −17‰ for δ18O and −160 to −135‰ for δ2H) show a strongly depleted signal compared to the 2019–2020 snowpack (−18 to −12‰ for δ18O and −130 to −90‰ for δ2H)
Previous studies hypothesized differences in the potential source waters and pathways from precipitation occurring on the eastern edge of the Columbia River Basalt Province within the South Fork of the Palouse River Basin
Estimating groundwater recharge is complicated by variations in climate, vegetation, geology, and a limited ability to physically identify recharge pathways, in fractured-rock aquifers [1,2]. Extrapolation of current groundwater use and declining groundwater levels in the South Fork Palouse River Basin (Basin) of north-central Idaho, United States of America (Figure 1), indicates the possibility of insufficient groundwater to meet future needs [3]. Similar declines in groundwater levels are occurring in aquifers across the Columbia Plateau Regional Aquifer System (CPRAS; [4,5]). The Basin’s groundwater is contained in a complex fractured-basalt and interbedded-sediment aquifer system. Geosciences 2021, 11, 400 groundwater is contained in a complex fractured-basalt and interbedded-sediment aquifer system that is common to the CPRAS, which is defined by the basalt flows of the ColtuhmatbisiacoRmivmeronFltoootdheBaCsPaRltAPSr,owvihnicceh. SSoouutthh FFoorrkk PPaalloouussee RRiivveerr BBaassiinn iinn tthhee PPaalloouussee RRiivveerr BBaassiinn ooff tthhee CCoolluummbbiiaa PPllaatteeaauu RReeggiioonnaall AAqquuiiffeerr SSyysstteemm ((CCPPRRAASS)),, UUSSAA ((mmooddiififieeddffrroommDDuucckkeetttteettaall..[[1155]]))..TTrraannsseeccttAA––AA’’ppeerrtataininsstotoththeeccrorosssssesecctitoionnshshoowwnnininFFigiguurere
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