
We present trace-based abstract interpretation, a unification of several lines of research on applying Cousot-Cousot-style abstract interpretation a.i. to operational semantics definitions (such as flowchart, big-step, and small-step semantics) that express a program‘s semantics as a concrete computation tree of trace paths. A program‘s trace-based a.i. is also a computation tree whose nodes contain abstractions of state and whose paths simulate the paths in the program‘s concrete computation tree. Using such computation trees, we provide a simple explanation of the central concept of collecting semantics, and we distinguish concrete from abstract collecting semantics and state-based from path-based collecting semantics. We also expose the relationship between collecting semantics extraction and results garnered from flow-analytic and model-checking-based analysis techniques. We adapt concepts from concurrency theory to formalize “safe” and “live” a.i.‘s for computation trees; in particular, coinduction techniques help extend fundamental results to infinite computation trees. Problems specific to the various operational semantics methodologies are discussed: Big-step semantics cannot express divergence, so we employ a mixture of induction and coinduction in response; small-step semantics generate sequences of program configurations unbounded in size, so we abstractly interpret source language syntax. Applications of trace-based a.i. to data-flow analysis, model checking, closure analysis, and concurrency theory are demonstrated.

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