
Positions and approaches of scientists to determine the typical traces of violation of safety rules during performance of increased danger works are considered. It was stated that material traces of violations of safety rules during performance of increased danger works are detected as directly on the scene as in various documents. Trace on the scene can provide information on the conditions under which these works are carried out, the presence of dangerous manufacturing and external factors, technical causes of violation, degree of victim's fault, etc. Typical material traces include victim's body damage; traces of hands, feet, microparticles of the victim or offender clothes; destruction of important building for production, of mechanisms or machinery or of residential building. Allocation of material tracks is closely linked to the situation of crime commission, in particular, to time, place, type of production, nature of performed work. These traces can indicate certain circumstances of crime commission, namely: event nature, work conditions; inactive status of mechanisms, devices and tools used by the victim; event cause. Material traces bearers are certain documents related to the workplace safety management at enterprise, on site during execution of a particular type of works. Each type (group) of crimes is characterized by the availability of a certain Trace Patterns which generalized data are essential practical importance for their investigation. Data set on material traces of a crime, their features and localization should be considered as one of elements of criminalistic description of the crimes regarding violation of safety rules during increased danger works.


  • The issues related to the introduction of innovative methods, technologies and technological means in the investigation of crimes are considered

  • На підставі цих даних слідчий може скласти приблизну картину події й висунути основні версії про її механізм, про наявність або відсутність порушень з боку конкретних посадових осіб[1]

  • — сліди рук, ніг, мікрочастинок одягу потерпілого або злочинця-порушника (наприклад, у випадку їх спільного знаходження на одному будівельному майданчику); 1 Кучерков И

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The issues related to the introduction of innovative methods, technologies and technological means in the investigation of crimes are considered. Асистент кафедри криміналістики Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого, кандидат юридичних наук СЛІДОВА КАРТИНА ПОРУШЕНЬ ПРАВИЛ БЕЗПЕКИ ПІД ЧАС ВИКОНАННЯ РОБІТ ІЗ ПІДВИЩЕНОЮ НЕБЕЗПЕКОЮ Розглянуто позиції та підходи науковців до визначення типових слідів порушення правил безпеки під час виконання робіт із підвищеною небезпекою.

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