
Olivine is a ubiquitous mineral in mafic-ultramafic rocks and has been widely used as a mineral marker in various geological processes. However, its development of trace elements is limited. Here we present newly-obtained trace element data 7Li, 27Al, 29Si, 31P, 43Ca, 45Sc, 49Ti, 51V, 53Cr, 55Mn, 59Co, 60Ni, and 66Zn of olivine in typical mantle xenoliths, mantle peridotites in ophiolites, and plutonic rocks from layered and Alaskan-type intrusions to develop trace element proxies for the petrogenesis, mineralization and discrimination of various mafic-ultramafic rocks. Residual olivine grains in mantle xenoliths and ophiolitic peridotites, which represent residues of mantle melting, have higher Ni/Co (>20) and Ni/Mn (>2) ratios than magmatic olivine (Ni/Co < 20, Ni/Mn < 2), which are consistent with the compatibilities of these elements during partial melting and magma differentiation. Lower Ni content, and lower Ni/Co and Ni/Mn ratios at a given Fo content can distinguish olivine in Alaskan-type intrusions from layered intrusions, reflecting the nature of their mantle sources. The V and Sc contents and V/Sc ratios in olivine can distinguish mantle xenoliths (V > 2 ppm, V/Sc > 0.5) from ophiolitic peridotites (V < 2 ppm, V/Sc < 0.5), indicating a more reduced state of continental lithospheric mantle compared to the oceanic lithospheric mantle. As a consequence, the four occurrences of mafic-ultramafic rocks can be distinguished by olivine with (Sc × 10)-(Ti × 2)-Zn and V/Sc-(Co/Ni × 2)-(Zn/Mn × 5) ternary diagrams. In addition, Li, Ti and P contents in olivine are good tracers of melt/fluid metasomatism, whereas Ni/Co, Ni/Mn and Mn/Zn ratios are indicators of chromite mineralization. Therefore, trace elements in olivine can be used as chemical proxies to distinguish the origin of various mafic-ultramafic rocks, as well as the processes by which they evolved.

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