
Eight L- and one LL-group chondrites were selected for a major and trace element content study of their metals by instrumental neutron activation techniques. The elements Ni, Co, Fe, Cu, As, Ga, W, Au and Ir were determined. For each meteorite three metallic fractions were analyzed: (1) coarse, >100 mesh; (2) intermediate, 100–200 mesh; (3) fine, <200 mesh. The composition of the metals varies considerably with grain size, as a result of a preferential concentration of kamacite in the coarse and of taenite in the intermediate and fine fractions. A third metallic component, consisting of very fine plessitic inclusions, was observed in chondrules of equilibrated chondrite types 5 and 6. This component is probably responsible for the decrease of Ni, Cu, Ga and Au observed in the fine metallic fractions of the equilibrated chondrite types. W, as well as Ga, increases in the bulk metals with the petrologic type, suggesting that a substantial amount of this element, as already observed for Ga by previous authors, is not in the metal, but in some silicate phases in the lower metamorphic petrologic types 3 and 4. Ir is always concentrated in the fine metallic fractions of all meteorites, independent of petrologic type, suggesting the presence of a fine-grained metallic component enriched in this element.

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