
In this research, it is aimed to decide self-perception levels of 1st grade primary school students, who start a different environment like primary school for the first time after a secure environment like family. 66-76 month-old students, who continue 1st grade in a primary school and who have not had any preschool education in the city center of Antalya, constitute the universe of the research. 85 children, who are chosen by random sample method from the 1st grades of government schools in Antalya’s one of the central counties, Kepez, and their mothers (n=85) and teachers (n=10), constitute the sample of the research. Data of research is collected with Demoulin’s Self-Perception Scale for Children (6-year-old), which is translated into Turkish and tested for validity and reliability by Kuru-Turasli (2006). It is decided that perceptions of mother, teacher and student groups’ about primary school 1 st grade students’ levels of self-respect, self-efficacy and self-perception show parallelism. Ozet Ilkogretim birini sinif ogrencilerinin benlik algisi duzeyini belirlemek amaciyla yapilan bu calismanin evrenini, Antalya Il merkezinde okul oncesi egitimi almamis Ilkogretim birinci sinifa devam eden 66-76 aylar arasindaki ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Orneklemini ise, 2012-2013 egitim ogretim yilinda Antalya merkez ilcelerinden Kepez ilcesine bagli devlet okullarinin birinci sinifina yeni baslayan cocuklar evreninden tesadufi orneklem yontemi ile secilen 85 cocuk, anneleri ve ogretmenleri (n=10) olusturmustur. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak, Demoulin Cocuklar icin Benlik Algisi Olcegi (6 yas) kullanilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen sonuclara gore birinci sinif ogrencilerinin oz saygi, oz yeterlilik ve benlik algisi duzeylerine iliskin anne, ogretmen ve ogrenci gruplarinin algilarinin paralellik gosterdigi gorulmustur. Ornekleme alinan her uc grubun degerlendirmesine gore birinci sinif ogrencilerinin benlik algisi duzeylerinin dusuk oldugu belirlenmistir.

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