
According to the decision that was dated as february 1, 2013 by Ministry of Education Head Council of Education and Morality, it was considered as appropriate to start applying new sciences curriculum for third grades from 2014- 2015 academic year, and for fourth grades from 2015- 2016 academic year. Updated sciences curriculum was published on the official website of the council. The purpose of the current study is to examined the compare of 4 and 5 grades of science and technology curriculum and renewed 3 and 4 grades sciences curriculum. In the present study, the document review method was used as a qualitative research method. The data was analyzed via descriptive statistics and findings were interpreted. Ozet Milli Egitim Bakanligi Talim Terbiye Kurulu Baskanligi’nin 1 Subat 2013 tarihli kararina gore ilkokul 3’uncu siniflarin 2014-2015 ogretim yilindan itibaren, 4’uncu siniflarin ise 2015-2016 ogretim yilindan itibaren yeni fen bilimleri ogretim programlarinin uygulanmaya baslanmasi uygun gorulmustur. Kurulun resmi internet sitesinde guncellenmis yeni fen bilimleri ogretim programlari yayinlanmistir. Arastirmanin amaci, ilkogretim 4. ve 5. sinif fen ve teknoloji dersi ogretim programlari ile yenilenen ilkokul 3. ve 4. sinif fen bilimleri dersi ogretim programlarinin karsilastirilarak incelenmesidir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan dokuman incelemesi yontemi kullanilmistir. Veriler, betimsel analiz ile elde edilerek, yorumlanmistir.

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