
In fifty years, language didactics has evolved towards learner-speaker autonomy and multilingualism. Facing this evolution encouraged by the European institutions, how do the European teachers of FFL at university consider their role of citizens and future FFL teacher trainers? What does the implementation of didactics favouring learners’ empowerment and multilingualism depend on? Considering the situation in Latvia, it is torn between the Soviet past, European institutional directives and ethnocentric values. The paper presents the results of a comprehensive and qualitative research work on speech analysis. The central components of FFL Latvian University teachers’ representations on foreign languages didactics and on their professional practical experiences are presented, considering simultaneously national and supranational official guidance since the 1980s. Finally, conclusions are drawn on elements which may influence the creation of a FFL didactics in Latvia based on learner’s empowerment and plurlingualism. It brings eventually to suggestions for FFL and foreign language teacher education evolution in Latvia and possibly in other countries in Europe. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7220/2335-2027.1.6


  • During the last fifty years, foreign language methodology has evolved towards learner-speaker empowerment/autonomy and plurilingualism inside and outside the classroom

  • How could language teachers at University be encouraged to implement this kind of evolution in didactics, supported by the European institutions?

  • Working in Latvia and carrying out research into this subject in this country, it is obvious to me that, to answer this question, it is necessary to take into account international, national and institutional contexts and teachers’ situation first

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Jonathan Durandin

TOWARDS LEARNERS’ EMPOWERMENT AND PLURILINGUALISM IN FFL DIDACTICS AT UNIVERSITY? THE LATVIAN CASE. The central components of FFL Latvian University teachers’ representations on foreign languages didactics and on their professional practical experiences are presented, considering simultaneously national and supranational official guidance since the 1980s. Pristatomi esminiai Latvijos universiteto prancūzų kaip užsienio kalbos dėstytojų pasisakymai apie užsienio kalbų didaktiką ir jų profesinę patirtį, tuo pat metu analizuojant oficialias nacionalines ir kitų šalių gaires kalbų didaktikos klausimais nuo 1980 m. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados apie veiksnius, galinčius turėti įtakos prancūzų kaip užsienio kalbos didaktikos kūrimui Latvijoje, remiantis besimokančiojo įgalinimu ir daugiakalbyste. Pateikiami pasiūlymai prancūzų kaip užsienio kalbos ir kitų užsienio kalbų mokytojų rengimo plėtrai Latvijoje ir galbūt kitose Europos šalyse. Pagrindinės sąvokos: Latvija, aukštasis mokslas, prancūzų kaip užsienio kalbos mokymas/mokymasis, besimokančiojo įgalinimas ir daugiakalbystė, socialinis atstovavimas, kalbų mokytojų profesinis tobulėjimas

Taking into account social representations through speech analysis
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