
In this 21 century of diverse regional, national and international threats, this study explores the leadership challenges unique to emergency management systems. These adaptive and complex systems respond to a range of critical emergency events, including mass emergencies, disasters and catastrophes. Effective emergency leadership with high-order capabilities is the lodestar of emergency management systems. This qualitative study explores the phenomenology of emergency leadership of emergency management systems through a holonic paradigm. The methodology deploys a grounded theory approach and thematic analysis. Through this key informant study, the perspectives of 103 emergency leaders of diverse professional backgrounds on systemic challenges are presented. The response rate was 83.5 percent from 81 organizations across Canada. Using the nonparametric statistical technique, the Kendall coefficient of concordance, what emerges from this study are ten ranked-ordered holonic properties of emergency leadership. These properties form the basis of a holonic paradigm that integrates and underscores the vital role of innovative technologies within the context of emergency management systems. A theory of holonic emergency leadership is also proposed. This study concludes with the potential implications of emergency leadership and this holonic framework for future healthcare research internationally.

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