
Automatic reactions triggered by complex events have been deployed with great success in particular domains, among others, in algorithmic trading, the automatic reaction to realtime analysis of marked data. However, to date, reactions in complex event processing systems are often still limited to mere modifications of internal databases or are realized by means similar to remote procedure calls. In this paper, we argue that expressive complex actions with support for composite work ows and integration of so called external actions are desirable for a wide range of real-world applications among other emergency management. This article investigates the particularities of external actions needed in emergency management, which are initiated inside the event processing system but which are actually executed by external actuators, and discuss the implications of these particularities on composite actions. Based on these observations, we propose versatile complex actions with temporal dependencies and a seamless integration of complex events and external actions. This article also investigates how the proposed integrated approach towards complex events and complex actions can be evaluated based on simple reactive rules. Finally, it is shown how complex actions can be deployed for a complex event processing system devoted to emergency management.

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