
Firefighting robot is a human developed robot to safeguard human’s life. Nowadays, the accidents happening during the fire extinguishing is uncountable. The main role of the proposed robot is to detect the fire, to move towards the fire automatically, to move at any direction to extinguish the water and to send a notification to the nearest fire station. The automatic robot movement is fully controlled by a programmable ESP32. The automatic robot which is in a form of vehicle like will move right, left, front and back to detect and extinguish fire. The firefighting robot equipped with a camera is used to capture the live moment happening at a particular time. The live recording from the camera is sent to the nearest fire station which is already programmed. This recording helps the real fire fighters to know the intensity of the fire and they can plan accordingly to equip themselves. Cloud technology is used to send live recording to real fire fighters to identify the intense of the fire. The exact location of where the fire has happened is also sent to enable firefighters to arrive at the location very quickly.

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