
Although the Scottish Government is currently providing direct funding to deliver school-based counselling services for young people (The Scottish Government, 2018), guidance on implementation by Local Authorities is not provided. Consequently, implementation varies across Scotland. The role of Educational Psychology Services (EPSs) in relation to wellbeing is now established and they are well placed to support the development of school counselling approaches. EPSs also possess expertise in implementing evaluative frameworks and in therapeutic work with children and young people. Acknowledging that therapy can be harmful, EPSs can support the development of safe and effective models of school counselling. Argyll and Bute Council is the second largest local authority in Scotland by area, with the largest number of populated islands. This unique context creates logistical challenges to providing equitable counselling services for young people, necessitating creativity and flexibility in service design and delivery. Out with remote communities, non-attendance and, in recent times, the global pandemic mean that equity of provision is not just an issue for vast rural settings. In this paper, it is proposed that the EPS can play an expert and strategic role in the implementation of an accountable and equitable school counselling service. Although the project is at an early stage, in this paper the Argyll and Bute Educational Psychology Service strategy is described. The focus is on the context of what is already known about school-based counselling, how it is being locally applied and the role of the EPS.

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