
AbstractWe present a unified model for the structure and appearance of accretion powered sources across their entire luminosity range from galactic X-ray binaries to luminous quasars, with emphasis on AGN and their phenomenology. Central to this model is the notion of MHD winds launched from the accretion disks that power these objects. These winds provide the matter that manifests as blueshifted absorption features s in the UV and X-ray spectra of a large fraction of these sources; furthermore, their density distribution in the poloidal plane determines the “appearance” (i.e. the column and velocity structure of these absorption features) as a function of the observer inclination angle. This work focuses on just the broadest characteristics of these objects; nonetheless, it provides scaling laws that allow one to reproduce within this model the properties of objects spanning a very wide luminosity range and viewed at different inclination angles, and trace them to a common underlying dynamical structure....

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