
In linguistic research, there have been numerous recent attempts to extract and analyse covidneologisms, yet the field of languages for specific purposes is to the date left unresearched. Coronaneologisms are neologisms in the neologistic phase of the word life cycle at the time of the recent catastrophic COVID -19 outbreak, which was particularly devastating in the tourism sector. The paper is therefore concerned with the emergence of new tourism-related coronaneologisms. It extracts them by analysing previous academic research on the subject, by observing tourism-related sources on the Internet and by conducting interviews with academic professionals in the field of tourism at The Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica in Slovenia as an active tourism discourse community. The list of tourism-related coronaneologisms contributes to the understanding of current languages for specific purposes in general and examines the new lexis from the perspective of the current socio-cultural challenges tourism is facing.

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