
AbstractPurpose: The paper displays an exploratory research on marketing ofspiritual tourism in Australia and Pakistan. The main objective of thisresearch is to explain spiritual tourism and present elements ofmarketing mix for attracting spiritual tourists with inclusive attitude. Thepaper describes spiritual travellers with inclusivity going on journeys forspiritual enhancement and veneration for divine places of other faithsconsidered as holy sites.Methodology: A qualitative study constructed on face-to-face interviewswith tourists qualified as spiritual travellers was managed in selectedAustralian and Pakistani locations. The discussion notes were screenedthrough theme-based assessment searching for ideas and themessurfacing from interviews aligned with elements of the marketingstrategy.Results: This study resulted in acknowledging people, pricing andproducts as vital elements of tourism marketing complementing thespiritual tourism marketing strategy design and implementation.Conclusions: This study concludes with an inclusive spiritual tourismmodel indicating people, pricing and products to be embraced bytourism providers to enhance their marketing outcomes. This paperaccomplishes by offering the recommendation for Pakistan’s tourismadministration to market holy and blessed places linked with differentfaiths following the branding theme of “spiritual tourism”.Future Direction: Tourism marketing mix based on people, pricing andproducts, could be analysed by a quantitative research testing inclusivitybased behaviour of spiritual travellers.Originality: The unique and primary study handled the threat ofdisinclination of tourists expressing their personal religious opinionsthrough private meetings and face-to-face discussions.

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