
Cross-border regions make a real opportunity for the creation of connections and reinforcement of interstate relations. Positive examples of these regions like the one between Germany and Poland and Czech Republic are a testimony of their transformation into connectors for the reinforcement of the relations between the people of these regions. In this way, our analysis aims to show a real opportunity for the development of the cross-borders region above mentioned, focusing mainly towards tourism. On the other hand, this will serve to the approaching and the European integration of the cross-border region Strug-Gollobord , giving new perspectives to it. Even though the population of this region forces many difficulties, there are mutual aims like their integration in the big European family leaving behind old political division. It’s geographical position as a connector between the Adriatic Sea and the Balkans, the favorable natural conditions, the great archeological and historical assets make a real opportunity to give it the focus of the touristic region. All these resources of the natural, cultural or spiritual kind, connected to the cohabitation of some ethnics within it, offer a great interest in the human studies field. The orientation towards tourism would urge the stable development and would also greatly satisfy the touristic chain Prespa-Galicicë-Jabllanicë.This new economical orientation, offers new opportunities to the development of these region and even further. It will urge the governments of both countries into the composition of regional strategies for the interstate cooperation and European integration. The infrastructure investments, especially on the west side of it, the reopening of the Stebleva border crossing point would serve this aim perfectly.

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